You might remember that back in the autumn, having secured a replacement from my friend Peter, I had a go at fixing a *tiny* leak in my radiator, with fatal results.....Having worked on the HP pump and steering rack over the last month or so, I found myself back at the point where I could refit a radiator.
The obvious solution was just to fit Peter's radiator, but, having killed my radiator, I reasoned that I would then be without a spare if his also turned out to have so leak. Also, the tapped bolt holes on Peter's radiator are different to mine because it's from a later car. yes - the 5mm tappings are 0.8mm not 0.75mm pitch.....
So......instead I took Peter's along to be pressure-tested and did the 'walk-of-shame' back to my radiator shop with my dead radiator and confessed what I'd done. It was a costly lesson. Yes - the radiator leaked anyway but I ended up needing a full re-core when (If i hadn't tinkered) a simple, cheaper repair might have been possible.
So within the week I was appropriately poorer, but had a lovely re-cored radiator. As such - and despite having an alternative radiator from Peter, I've just gone and refitted that same old radiator again!
As it's been re-cored at least twice to my knowledge, I can't really call it my 'original' radiator, but at least it has the right sized screw threads.